The BIOFLOAT™ 6-well plate outperforms existing products by its anti-adhesive properties

  • Stability in long term cultivation of 3D cell models
  • Scratch resistant
  • Repellent to protein and hydrophobic compounds
  • Cell repellent
  • Optimized for organoids

Ready-to-use for Suspension & 3D cell culture

The BIOFLOAT™ 6-well plate provides a highly defined, fully inert, and cell-repelling surface.

Product Characteristcs

Plate color: clear
Well bottom: Flat
Well volume: 5.75 ml
Dimensions: 85.20 mm (width) x 22.4 mm (height) x 127.80 mm (length)
Material: Polystyrene (PS)
Sterile: yes
Made in Germany

Quantity: 1 Plate per pack


Ready-to-use for spheroid cell culture

The BIOFLOAT™ 96-well plate provides a highly defined, fully inert, and cell-repelling surface.

Product Characteristcs

Plate color: clear
Well bottom: round (U – bottom)
Well volume: 310 µl
Dimensions: 85.20 mm (width) x 16.55 mm (height) x 127.80 mm (length)
Material: Polystyrene (PS)
Temperature range: – 20 °C to + 50 °C
Sterile: yes
Made in Germany

Quantity: bag of 4 plates with resealable snap lock

Want to make sure BIOFLOAT™ 6-well is suitable for your cell culture?

We are confident in the quality of our products and you can also be convinced of this.
We invite you to try our 6-well plates for Suspension & 3D cell culture.

Check out our products

      Cardiac myocytes

      Endothelial cells

       Primary hepatocytes

       Alveolar epithelial cells

      Neuronal stem cells

The reliable quality of the BIOFLOAT™ cell culture surface enables the formation of perfect spheroids and organoids even for challenging cells.


Cardiac myocytes


Endothelial cells


Primary hepatocytes


Alveolar epithelial cells 


 Neuronal stem cells

Fibroblasts (M. musculus)
Squamous cell cancer cell line (H. sapiens)
Melanoma cell line (M. musculus)
Colon carcinoma cell line (H. sapiens, Caucasian)
Pancreatic adenoma cancer cell line (H. sapiens)
Ovarian cell line (C. griseus)
Epithelial breast cancer cell line (stem cell-like)
(H. sapiens)
Tumourigenic breast epithelial stem cell line from
D492 cells (H. sapiens)
Pancreatic cancer cell line (H. sapiens)
Embryonic stem cells (S. scrofa domesticus)
Pancreatic adenoma cancer cell line (H. sapiens)
Lung adenocarcinoma cell line (H. sapiens)
Breast cancer cell line (H. sapiens)
Colon cancer cell line (H. sapiens)
Primary dental pulp stem cells (H. sapiens)
Pancreatic cancer cell line (H. sapiens)
Immortalised osteoblasts (H. sapiens)
Venous endothelial cells (H. sapiens)
iPSC-derived hepatocytes
Breast cancer cell line (H. sapiens)
Pancreatic cell line (H. sapiens)
Hepatic stellate cells/Ito cells (F norwegicus)
Hepatic stellate cells/to calls (r. Sapiens)
B-lymphocyte cell line from myeloma patients
Immortalised astrocytes (H. sapiens)
Differentiated fatty cell organoids from pluripotent stem cells
Endometrial organoids from detached primary cells (non-human primates)
Fibroblast progenitor cells (M. cerebralis)
IPSC-derived cardiomyocytes (H. sapiens)
Liver organoids (differentiated) (M. musculus)
Neuronal stem cells (HN9 differentiated)
Primary hepatocytes (H. sapiens, M. musculus,
M. fascicularis, C. lupus famillaris)
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Ready-to-use for Suspension & 3D cell culture


Stability in long term cultivation of 3D cell models

Highly viable and functional 3D cell models can be cultivated for several months in BIOFLOAT™ plates.

Scratch resistant

BIOFLOAT surfaces are highly resistant to physical and chemical stress. No risk of damaging the coating if scratching the surface with a pipette tip.

Repellent to protein and hydrophobic compounds

Proteins and sticky compounds are not interacting with BIOFLOAT surfaces, allowing a better control of the concentration of these molecules in your assay.

Cell repellent

Even the stickiest cells, like macrophages, cannot adhere to BIOFLOAT surfaces enabling their cultivation in suspension.

Raw Material Processing

The product does not use any rawmaterials of animal
or biological origin and therefore does not have TSE/BSE.

The polymer raw materials used for coating plates were positively evaluated
for quality consistency using GPC, GC-MS and NMR spectroscopy.

The sterile, non-pyrogenic/endotoxin-free, non-cytotoxic, DNase-/RNase-/DNA-free multi-well plates were coated using pipetting robots.
Coated plates were sterilized by electron beam irradiation

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    BIOFLOAT 6w Plate

    Why use BIOFLOAT™ coating technology for your research?

    BIOFLOAT™ coating technology provides a highly defined, fully inert cell- and protein-repellent surface for cell culture labware and devices. Compact and reproducible spheroids are rapidly generated on BIOFLOAT™ coated surfaces, even with challenging cell types. Sticky proteins are inhibited to adsorb to your cell culture labware.

    Which cells are compatible with the BIOFLOAT™ coating technology?

    BIOFLOAT™ coating technology is compatible with broad range of human and animal derived cell lines or primary cells. This new technology is developed to generate cell spheroids; therefore, any cell line can be used which are known to form such spheroids or you can develop new organoid models containing spheroids with cell lines of your choice.. In Tab. 1 you can find a selected number of cell lines cultured with BIOFLOAT™ coating technology.

    Tab. 1 List of cell lines

    BIOFLOAT FLEX solution for 3D organoid cell culture and research

    Which products are available with the BIOFLOAT™ coating technology?

    Choose between the ready-to-use 6-, 24- 96- and 384- well plates or DIY BIOFLOAT™ FLEX coating solution to modify a broad range of plastic and glass surfaces.

    Does the coating react with chemicals?

    All BIOFLOAT™ products do not contain any reactive groups, which can react with other chemicals.

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    Are you facing any problem ordering our product or have any questions?
    Feel free to schedule a call with us and let us solve your problem.

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