


Personalize your cell culture.
Use top-performing BIOFLOAT™ Plates to achieve perfect spheroids and organoids for your applications and advance your research.

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Top news

BIOFLOAT™  plates are recommended as top performers for spheroid formation in the Biotechnology Journal 

“The choice of ultra low attachment plates impacts primary human and primary canine hepatocyte spheroid formation, phenotypes and function” conducted at the Karolinska Insitutet by the group of Prof. Dr. Volker M. Lauschke

BIOFLOAT™ plates allow for the expeditious and reproducible formation of spheroids from human primary hepatocytes. Spheroids formed have unique properties in terms of uniformity, vitality and excellent reproducibility of key cellular properties.

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Make your labware part of your experiment

faCellitate polymeric coating provides you with an inert and cell-repellent surface.

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With the innovative BIOFLOAT™ coating, customized cell culture has never been easier.
Our unique polymer coatings create a fully synthetic, biologically relevant cell culture matrix for
3D cell culture, drug discovery, toxicology and stem cell research.

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The polymeric coating easily modifies your surface without any chemical reactions.
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The inert layer prevents non-specific interactions of proteins and cells with the surface to enable 3D cell culture.
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Choose any biomolecule to engineer your surface and make it cell-adhesive.


Our top performers BIOFLOAT™ product line are  now in stock and ready for immediate shipping!

24 well plates

Applications are only limited by
your scientific imagination.

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What if you could expand stem cells without losing pluripotency?

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What if you could create your perfect cellular niche?

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What if you could grow spheroids in absolutely inert plates?

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What if you could provide your molecule of choice on an invisible surface?

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What if you could do any ELISA or binding experiment without noise?

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How can faCellitate be used in your lab? Tell us about your application.

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